How to Start a Graphic Design Career At Fiverr

How can I grow a Fiverr career in graphics design?

You can start by learning graphics and equip yourself with necessary tools. Fiverr has become so competitive lately, so you need a bit of marketing strategies to succeed on fiverr. As a beginner, you need to show you are serious about what you do and maybe you should try to lower what you charge to at least get to level one. After achieving level one, you can raise the price but you will have to good enough to make your customers happy.
You can also create backlinks for your gigs so that you can get in search engine, which means more customers.

Since you specifically asked about Fiverr … I’m going to assume you already have some expertise in graphic design. Although you are planning on getting your jobs through Fiverr, you STILL need your own website. Check the internet in your own country to see what site hosts are available to you. Find a host you can afford and design a page that demonstrates your graphic skill. However, don’t make it rediculously busy. The average surfer takes only a fraction of a minute to decide they don’t like your page and move on! I’d suggest a background that is any color OTHER THAN white. Even only a few points off white is fine. You should have a very good idea of the psychological effects of color, so apply that to your webpage as well. The level of graphic design in which you are strongest should be the showpiece of your own site, but you can put your entire portfolio on the site in menu buttons or drop downs.
Once you have designed and uploaded your website, use the URL to advertise to potential customers. You can now also join business to business social media and use your URL to promote yourself there as well. Don’t forget advertising on Facebook and other social media s well. Don’t let Fiverr be your only source of employment becuse if you do, you will be out of work more than in.


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